Zukiki Zuki
Aetheric Researcher | Botanist | Waitress | Emotional Sup-poto
❀ Basic Info ❀
Nicknames: Zuki, Zuzu, Kiki, and Zucchini. | Gender: Female. |
Race: Plainsfolk Lalafell. | Nationality: Sharlayan. |
Namesday: 23rd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon. | Age: Twenty-seven. |
Sexuality: Biromantic. | Marital Status: Single. |
Birthplace: Emporium (Sharlayan Colony) | Residence: Kafé Kupo |
❀ Appearance ❀
Height: 2 fulm, 9 ilm. | Weight: 50 ponze. |
Hair Color: Caput Mortuum Violet. | Eye Color: Lilac Purple. |
Skin: Slightly tan with a rosy tint. | Blemishes: Dark circles under eyes. |
❀ Personality ❀
Temperament: ~ Melancholic.~ | Alignment: Lawful Neutral. |
Social Traits: Introverted, passive, generous, & cowardly. | Quirks: Constant fidgeting, gestures while talking, & avoids eye contact. |
Social Skills: Compassionate, ethical, & insightful. |
❀ Favorite Things ❀
Enjoys: Books, frogs, pastries, & friends. | Drink: Triple Cream Coffee. |
Meal: Archon Burger. | Dessert: Cheesecake. |
Flower: Campanula (Bell Flowers). | Color: Gloom Purple. |
❀ Disliked Things ❀
Hates: Loud noises, bug, & major change. | Drink: Grape juice. |
Food: Anything with mushrooms or olives. | Dessert: Coconut cake. |
Flower: Tulips. | Color: Raisin Brown. |
❀ Strengths ❀
Open-minded: Naturally drawn to things she has yet to understand or experience herself and is more than likely willing to seek more knowledge, and opinions, on certain matters that either are the same or different than her own. Truly a perfect candidate to ramble off to. |
Diligent: Once set on a task, her mind will be focused on it until completion... Even if that means dedicating sleepless nights to fully finish the task at hand. |
Polite: Mindful and respectful of her surroundings and those she associates with. She tries her best to appear as civil as possible, be it in any situation. |
❀ Flaws ❀
Fatigued: Overworked to the point of constant tiredness, both mentally and physically, she has a tendency to withdraw from conversations and space out at random when not actively being spoken to. To add on, she often dozes off at random if left alone long enough and can typically be found sleeping in random places. |
Self-doubtful: A cloud of uncertainty forms in her mind and has her second guessing herself when tasked with something not related to her research. This won't change the fact that she will try for others, but not without the possibility of genuinely messing things up due to lack of confidence and accidental self-sabotaging. |
Unlucky: While comedic as it is, the ever increasing amount of unfortunate events has left Zukiki thinking that she is cursed due to things typically not going her way and that it stretches out towards others she cares for. |
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Group Photos
Joke Screenshots
Zukiki's Bulletin Board
(this is where the actual memes go)
Thank you for taking the time to look at my carrd.
About Me:
❀ I am 21+.
❀ Generally use she/they pronouns, but feel free to use whatever you think fits, I don't mind.
❀ What else do people type here? I've played multiple other MMORPGs? Been RPing in general for far too long?
❀ I really like Lord of the Rings. :)Before Interacting:
❀ Due to IRL reasons that require my immediate attention, I often go AFK.❀ I also have bad internet, so I may disconnect at some point in time.
The RP Stuff:
❀ I generally strive for comedic and easy-going RP, but also enjoy darker elements to a story if it progresses in that direction.❀ I will not RP with minors, sorry.❀ If for some odd reason you want get that good ol' romantic and sugary content, you will have to establish a re-occurring IC friendship.
❀ Server:
Balmung, Crystal.
❀ Free Time:
Between 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. CST.
Clearly a Real Moogle
Mascot of Kafé Kupo!
"I am clearly a real moogle and definitely not a Lalafell named Zukiki.
We don't even have the same personality AND the faker is dumb!In fact, as the REAL member of Kafé Kupo, Pukiki is clearly the better and stronger option of a friend than this Lalafell impersonator trying to be like me, kupo! We don't like liars."